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Stress Buoy – The Stress and Joy Tracking App for a Journey into Joy

Monday, November 21, 2022

Managing stress is a skill that everyone needs to develop. Whether it’s a daily battle or an occasional flare, the effects of stress can take a toll on you, and more importantly your health. However, there are tools for stress management within your reach. We looked and we found one app for guidance through your journey into joy. Read more about Stress Buoy.  


What is Stress Buoy? 

Stress Buoy is an anti-stress app that is developed for IOS and Android users. It’s a stress and joy tracking app to say goodbye to stress and say hello to joy. With tailored programs available, this app can help you stay fit, be mindful, journal, take breaks, and slip into dreams easily with dream-time stories. Start your journey to a joyful life with this app.  


Why Do We Love It? 

This anti-stress app offers a variety of free and premium features to enjoy. You can track your daily stresses and process it by listening mindfulness sessions. To sleep better, there are dream-time stories to listen to as well. Set daily walk goals or track your workouts from the 100 popular workouts available to stay fit. Also, it offers basic insights for you to keep track of your journey with this app.

The premium version of the app offers exclusive programs, the option for you to journal and track the highlights of your day as well as advanced insights to help you uncover the hidden stress patterns in your life. With the premium version, you get to unlock all the mindfulness and dream-time stories available. Learn how to wake up happy, process stress better, stay fit, uplift your day, motivate yourself, and power down, in one place with this app.  

Download the app now on App Store and Google Play for a journey into joy! 

App Store Download Link: Stress Buoy  

Google Play Download Link: Stress Buoy  


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