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App Review – Treasure Card

Sunday, October 3, 2021

If you are looking for a tool to help you raise your kids with the right appreciation for money and teach them how to save, spend, give, and invest from a young age, there are apps for you to do that. We looked and we found one educational allowance and chore app for you to raise money smart kids. Read and learn more about it.  


Basic Introduction 

This is an educational allowance and chore app that teaches kids about money. Developed on the IOS and Android platform, this chore manager and allowance tracker allows organizing chores and rewards kids with allowance increase on their debit card that acts as a virtual piggy bank. With this app you can teach your kid the basics of money and raise a money smart kid in a fun and rewarding way.   


Chores Tracker, Allowance Manager, Learning Tool, and More 

Treasure Card with its features offers more than just tracking chores and allowance. Kids can learn with this app the best personal practices in finance. In a fun and engaging way, kids are educated about saving, spending, giving, and investing in a smart way from a young age. The app also encourages kids to contribute to causes meaningful to them to get them to develop a sense of belonging. It lets kids get creative with their allowance and rewards important to them. Let your kid make money by completing chores with the chore tracker and manager that offers a simple household chores system to encourage strong work ethic. Kids get a sense of ownership with the free debit card and with the app they get to track, review, and learn about their spending habits. Also, kids get to invest and watch out on their savings and spending at all times. It’s an app that serves as a money tracker, manager, and educational tool for learning finance basics, building healthy spending habits, and teaches kids about compassion, and empathy.  

Download it on App Store and Google Play to teach your kid manage money in a smart way! 

App Store Download Link: Treasure Card  

Google Play Download Link: Treasure Card If you are looking for a tool to help you raise your kids with the right appreciation for money and teach them how to save, spend, give, and invest from a young age, there are apps for you to do that. We looked and we found one educational allowance and chore app for you to raise money smart kids. Read and learn more about it.  


Basic Introduction 

This is an educational allowance and chore app that teaches kids about money. Developed on the IOS and Android platform, this chore manager and allowance tracker allows organizing chores and rewards kids with allowance increase on their debit card that acts as a virtual piggy bank. With this app you can teach your kid the basics of money and raise a money smart kid in a fun and rewarding way.   


Chores Tracker, Allowance Manager, Learning Tool, and More 

Treasure Card with its features offers more than just tracking chores and allowance. Kids can learn with this app the best personal practices in finance. In a fun and engaging way, kids are educated about saving, spending, giving, and investing in a smart way from a young age. The app also encourages kids to contribute to causes meaningful to them to get them to develop a sense of belonging. 

It lets kids get creative with their allowance and rewards important to them. Let your kid make money by completing chores with the chore tracker and manager that offers a simple household chores system to encourage strong work ethic. Kids get a sense of ownership with the free debit card and with the app they get to track, review, and learn about their spending habits. Also, kids get to invest and watch out on their savings and spending at all times. It’s an app that serves as a money tracker, manager, and educational tool for learning finance basics, building healthy spending habits, and teaches kids about compassion, and empathy.  

Download it on App Store and Google Play to teach your kid manage money in a smart way! 

App Store Download Link: Treasure Card  

Google Play Download Link: Treasure Card 


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