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App Review – CFA Total Recall

Thursday, October 21, 2021

There are tons of apps available nowadays, especially designed to help you take your exam preparation to the next level and minimize the stressful exam preparation experience. Because of that, we looked and we found one AI powered question engine, designed to help you with your CFA level 1 exam preparation. Read and learn more about it.  


Basic Introduction 

This is an AI powered question engine with simple design and user-friendly interface, designed to help prepare for CFA level 1. Developed on the IOS and Android platform, this app gives you the chance for infinite practice for CFA level 1. Access the entire CFA level 1 curriculum directly for your smartphone and get the complete exam preparation with this app.  


Questions, Curriculum, and More 

CFA Total Recall offers features for your complete preparation for the CFA level 1 exam. You can use the app to create as many mock exams as you want, no matter the device you use for it. The app offers limitless exam questions for CFA level 1 exam preparation. All the questions available are organized by learning outcome statements and exam reading. You will always get relevant questions to help you improve your understanding of each topic of the exam. 

From financial reporting and analysis to ethics, access unlimited practice with this app. Find out where you stand and how well prepared you are for the exam with the help of this app. Questions for practice built by an AI engine included with access to the entire level 1 curriculum to take your preparation to the next level. Simulate an actual exam environment for the ultimate CFA exam experience with this app. 

Download it on App Store and Google Play to prepare completely for your CFA level 1 exam! 

Official Website: CFA Total Recall  

App Store Download Link: CFA Total Recall  

Google Play Download Link: CFA Total Recall 


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