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Photography App of the Week - OfficialMe

Monday, June 1, 2020

Official Me was already discussed here a couple of days ago as an social platform for artists and creators to promote and share their content with supporters, to make a monthly income and get connected with fans. We liked all the tools and features the app offers so we decided to be our Photography App of the Week.

Basic Introduction
This social app is great for artists, creators and other professionals that like to connect with fans and get paid of their content. Developed on IOS and Android platform, this photography app offers the chance to provide exclusive content to your supporters and make a monthly income. Have a paid memberships for your tutorials, workshops, and exclusive experiences as an influencer, portfolio access and other.  

Promotions, Uploads, Tools and More
OfficialMe can be joined for free and it will give you the tools you need. Content can be uploaded and produced directly and customized as you like. For self-promotion the app offers selectable account types and offers unlimited uploads without cropping for displayed photos. Record HD videos up to 10 minutes. Unlimited free live videos without any secondary app are also available. Record and post audios too.

By data of uploading, the media on your profile will be displayed in a journal and organized with custom privacy levels. With the portfolio mode, only the album tap shows on the profile. Loop videos back and forth and save them as GIFS with the video echo. Different templates and filters can be used for photos as well as different editing tools. Create events and privately message other members. Use the advanced search filter to discover content instantly and share your media with other users in a multiple ways.

Download it on App Store and Google Play to create, share and get paid for your content!
App Store Download Link: OfficialMe
Google Play Download Link: OfficialMe


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