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Play Fast and Win Big – Block Champz

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

One of the most popular games among smartphone users is puzzle games. This type of game can be quite entertaining and at the same time quite challenging for your brain. If you are looking for a puzzle game to test your skills and let you compete against other puzzle players, Block Champz is the puzzle game for you. Read and learn more about it.  

Basic Introduction
This puzzle game is really exciting and fun to play, built on SKillz giving you the chance to compete against real people from the whole world and win real prizes for your achievements. Developed on IOS platform, the game will test your puzzle skills as you test yourself with this block puzzle gameplay, dragging blocks to the board and feeling the rows to clear them and get points.

Gameplay, Bonuses, Tournaments and Prizes
Block Champz puts your strategy skills on test as you drag blocks in the board and fill the rows to explode them. To clear rows you can use bombs and score points and combos. The games are timed at 1:00 but when you clear rows and score combos you can win back time. 

For clearing multiple rows you get streak bonuses and for clearing vertical and horizontal rows at the same time you win combo bonuses. Choose to play in head-to-head or multiplayer tournaments, against real people and if you get the most scores you will win the game against other players. With an amazing loyalty program, this game offers leaderboards, trophies, cash and other virtual prizes.

Download it on App Store to play fast and win big for your achievements!
App Store Download Link: Block Champz


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