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Football Quiz Duel – Super Fun Soccer Trivia Quiz Game

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sometimes you want to test your mental prowess — or lack thereof — and trivia games are an excellent way to flex your brain. If you are looking for a trivia game designed especially to test your sports knowledge, we discovered Football Quiz Duel, the super fun soccer trivia quiz game where you can become a part of your favorite club and compete against other clubs. 

What is Football Quiz Duel?
Football Quiz Duel is one very fun and exciting soccer trivia quiz game developed for Android, designed for all soccer lovers that like answering trivia questions about the English Premier leagues, UEFA Champion leagues, famous soccer players and more. Start playing as a member of your favorite football club and compete against others to test your knowledge and see who will come on the top.

Why Do We Love It?
Choose your favorite club from over 64 top football clubs around the world. Compete against players from other clubs in a sports trivia duel match of 6 rounds. Your knowledge will be tested about all the things related to football such as the leagues, the soccer players, the cups and more. If you win, your club will get points. Hundreds of questions are available and new are added daily. View statistics, standings of your club and shuffle categories to get random questions. 
After each season, 2 best clubs will be promoted to the higher leagues and 2 words clubs demoted to the lower leagues. Invite opponents for rematches and use the fifty-fifty option to eliminate possible answers. The game offers quick play and will automatically search for opponents and you can challenge any club or test your knowledge against members of your club. 
Download the trivia now on Google Play to test your soccer knowledge and make your club proud!
Google Play Download Link: Football Quiz Duel

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