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BevVeg App Lets You Find Vegan Wines, Beers and Liquor with Ease

Saturday, February 1, 2020

It’s 2020, and our phones have become not only an essential device to connect with friends and family but a resource loaded with useful tools. And for many new vegans, having a simple mobile app that can help you search for vegan alcoholic beverages is a must. One of the very best is BevVeg for Android & iOS. Let’s see how this app can help you!

BevVeg – The Easy App to Search Vegan Wine/Beer

BevVeg – Search Vegan Wine/Beer is a simple app for vegans that informs you of whether a certain alcoholic beverage is vegan. The app is fast, easy to use and completely free. It’s a great tool for vegans.

Features in Detail

When you open BevVeg you can start your search for vegan beers right away. Note that you can search for products by exact product name or you can also search brand names. When you find the exact product, the app gives information on whether the product is vegan or not. Note that a product can be Vegan but not certified, Vegan Certified by BevVeg (they are a law firm that issues vegan certifications) or not vegan.

As you scroll to the product listing, you can also suggest any brand to get the vegan certification, or you can also comment and confirm if a product is vegan, or deny and explain why it is not vegan. Additionally, you can contact BevVeg and add products that are vegan but not listed.

BevVeg is completely free and it represents a great guide for vegan alcoholic beverages. It’s available for iOS & Android.

App Store Download Link: BevVeg

Google Play Download Link: BevVeg

Website: BevVeg


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