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Personalization App of the Month - Hyde

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

To protect your privacy and prevent others looking into the apps you use on your phone, we already talked here about Hyde, the app hider to make that possible for you. Because of its convenience and simplicity, we decided this app to be our App Hider of the Month. Read and learn more what this app is offering you.

Basic Intro 
Hyde is an app hider designed especially for Android users that want to hide applications like Facebook, Messenger, and WhatsApp on their smartphones. With its simplicity and convenient user-friendly UI, this app allows you to hide any app on your phone while being hidden so no one knows you use it. Choose the apps you want to hide and set patterns for them. 

App’s Features 
Hiding apps is easily done with Hyde, just double tap on the screen and set a pattern lock for the chosen app you want to hide and the app will automatically be hidden. If you want to unhide an app, double-tap the screen again and draw the pattern for that specific app and it will immediately be unhidden. 

Easily and quickly, just select apps you want to hide, set patters and if you change your mind you can change the patterns too. An information icon is available at the top right corner of the app to help you if you have any struggles with Hyde. Notifications from apps aren’t hidden with this app so you need to do that manually in the settings. Use the hiding setting app too to prevent access to apps from the setting app.

Download it for free on Google Play now to set patterns and easily hide applications!

Google Play Download Link: Hyde


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