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Kumbaya – a New App That Acts As a Trusted Parenting Platform for Stress-Free Days

Saturday, October 12, 2019

In the event of an emergency, it's not always easy to notify people that you need their help. Besides that, who can we trust? We can’t just ask anyone for help. For that purpose, we offer you this new and trusted app. Kumbaya, a new parenting help platform, is designed for friends, family, or even neighbors to lend a helpful, watchful eye for your kids.

Build your trusted circles with Kumbaya

We all need trustworthy people around us and because of that, Kumbaya for iOS & Android is perfect for people that want to build a powerful trust circle. A circle and platform where you will know that your every need and request regarding your kids, will be met and it will be answered quickly and truthfully. No more endless searching. Start building your trust circle right now.

Help, or get help in your day to day kids’ care

At the end of the day, this app makes it easy to give or ask for favors from the people you trust – like the circle of friends and family. Just notify them that you heed something and don’t forget to be there when they have the same request from you.

Everything is easy to use and transparent in the intuitive UI where all requests are located. Because of that, Kumbaya is the perfect tool of trust and help. Ask for something, but be sure to repay the favor. Be there for your friends when they need you.

Try this app to improve your lifestyle and reduce the stress that comes with taking care of kids.

Google Play Download Link: Kumbaya

App Store Download Link: Kumbaya


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