Vervo Makes Goal Creation and Tracking Superiorly Easy and Enjoyable
Sunday, July 14, 2019
In order to be successful in various fields
of life, anyone must motivate themselves to set (and work toward) both short-term
and long-term goals.
Whether those goals are to launch a project,
weight loss, saving money or some group goal with your partner, it’s important
to have the right tools in place to set and manage those goals. Today we will
be talking about one of the very best – Vervo.
What is Vervo?
Available for iOS & Android and created
by Dr. Adam & Glenda Solomon who themselves needed an app to help the
achieve household goals together, Vervo is an ad-free and subscription-free
goal creator and tracking app. It lets users create and track personal
goals/habits, shared goals by easily inviting users and public goals.
How will it help you?
Creating and tracking goals is a
scientifically proven way to achieve them. The constant reminders, focus and
awareness will keep you stay on track to complete and finish the goals. Vervo
makes it super easy and practical to create those goals and stay on track.
Some features we loved
- each goal you create is turned into a
lovely card with time remaining and themed photos
- the invitation of users to join your
personal goals is seamless
- each goal has additional tools you can
use to stay focused like to do lists, notes, links, readings
- you can easily overview your personal,
shared or public goals
At the end of the day Vervo is based on
scientific evidence to help you track, commit, and achieve your goals. And it’s
completely free. You can try it from the links bellow.