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Cross-Platform App of the Week – TOTLE

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Few days ago we discovered and reviewed TOTLE. Since we are impressed by this unique combination of media discovery and player, and digital wallet for tokens, we decided to give it another appraisal, this time as our Cross-Platform App of the Week. Read more why!

What is TOTLE?

TOTLE is an IOS and Android popular trending media and digital tokens app part of the TOTLE Merchantnetwork. The app is neatly divided into two completely separate segments which we’ll explain below.

Media Section

The media section covers the latest news and trendy videos from popular social media websites and platforms. With its bold and modern design, it allows you to enjoyably discover and watch videos, news and similar updates from Youtube, Instagram, Websites, Twitter and so on. Additionally, if you need something from Google, you can search within the app. It’s a nice media discovery and viewing feature.

TOTLE Wallet

The wallet section is dedicated to anyone interested in investing in the TOTLE Tokens. These Ethereum powered tokens are currently on Crowdsale and if you purchase at least 1 TOTLE token, your TOTLE wallet will be created. You can keep these tokens, and view your wallet & transactions even on Etherscan.

As an early adopter, you can have certain benefits and of course, it’s best to buy now while there are still TOTLE Tokens available.

App Store Download Link: TOTLE

Google Play Download Link: TOTLE

Website: TOTLE


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