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Practice Your Knowledge & Win Cash Prizes - IQ Jackpot

Thursday, August 2, 2018

If you are looking for a fun way to test your knowledge and sharpen your brain then you need a trivia game. Trivia games can challenge you and help you show off your knowledge while letting you enjoy and even compete against other trivia players. Some of these games are taken to next level and let you win real prizes for your correctly answered questions. We searched and discovered one amazing live trivia show that offers real prizes for the winners. Let’s see what the game is all about.

What is IQ Jackpot all about?

The IQ Jackpot is a trivia game that is especially created as live trivia show where the players need to purchase a ticket for only $0.99 to join the live show, answer the trivia questions correctly and get the chance to win the ultimate cash prize. Developed for IOS users, unique and challenging, the game offers the player to test his encyclopedic knowledge and win real prizes. The game is offering new shows every hour on the hour and each player can see the size of the jackpot on his home screen. All that players need to do is to purchase their ticket and don’t be late for the show.

Standout features

This live trivia show and the features offered on it are getting players addicted to playing on their first try, testing their knowledge and winning prizes for answering all the trivia questions correctly. For the player to test his knowledge he needs to use the cube and by rolling the cube he will browse the knowledge categories offered by the game. By turning the cube, the player will browse inside each category and if he taps the image on the cube he will watch the related video. Joining the next live game is easy the player just needs to purchase his ticket. With image offered for every trivia question, the game is offering the correct answer as one of the three captions under the images. The player needs to give the correct answer within 10 seconds and by answering all the questions correctly he can stay in the game and win the cash prize. With one strike, the player is out but he can continue playing without the chance to win the prize. If a player wants to win, he can answer all the questions correctly and if more than one person wins, the prize is split between the winners.

The prize is cash out directly to the player’s PayPal account. With having extra lives, the player can continue playing if he gets a question wrong. The extra lives can be purchased for $4.99 or the player can earn them by inviting new players to play this game.

Download it now on App Store for free and purchase your ticket to join the next live trivia game!

Official Website: IQ Jackpot

App Store Download Link: IQ Jackpot


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