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Cross-Platform App of the Day - WOW! WAO1

Friday, July 27, 2018

Human nature by default has been programmed to be socially active to a certain extent. Some people are more active, while others are less so! However, people have always been looking for ways to connect and network with each other. And, in this age of digitization, people have found ways to be socially active on the internet, which is possible with the advent of the numerous social networking platforms and apps. Now, even relationships begin, grow and end on social media. People no longer need a personal handshake or face-to-face meeting.

So, in this article, we discuss one of the newest social media apps that are being explored by the world today. It’s called WOW! WAO1.

What is WOW! WAO1?

WOW! WAO1 is a newly released social networking app that lets you connect with friends and families across the whole world. Offering a whole new way of communicating, this cross-platform app will bring back together with your loved ones to share your thought and memories. Note that Post public will be deleted after 24 hours making it a fun experience to not miss anything. Also, the private posts will be displayed to friends only!

WOW! WAO1 Features

Meet and discover the world around you directly on your phone with the WOW! WAO1 app. Connect with other users, meet new people and make friends across the globe. With this neat and user-friendly social app, both Android and iOS users can connect with people. All you have to do is create a free account using your e-mail or phone number. After you register, you can easily start receiving messages, connecting and discussing with people worldwide anytime you want. Aside the chat feature, WOW! WAO1 provides with instant alerts whenever someone added you or sent a message – it keeps you notified when something’s up with your profile.

Share your moments with friends and family, enter a global community that will change the way people meet and discover the world around them. Download the app for free from the App Store or from Google Play and enjoy!

Google Play Download Link: WOW! WAO1

App Store Download Link: WOW! WAO1

Official Website Link: WOW! WAO1


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