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Travel App of the Week – Poop Pal App for Finding Clean Toilets Nearby

Monday, June 4, 2018

We always appraise useful app ideas and Poop Pal is one of the best apps we reviewed this week just because of its usefulness in times of need. Without further complications, we pronounce it as our Travel App of the Week, read more below.

Why Poop Pal?

This app is perfect for the ones that travel occasionally but struggle with finding nice and clean toilets. Launched recently, the Poop Pal App is your number 1 solution to finding clean toilets nearby. All you have to do as a user is to open the app and browse through available suggestions based on your current locations and get nearby toilets that happen to be clean and safe or local toilets that match your needs. Perfect for anyone and especially useful for families with small kids who always get unexpected urges in times of leisure.

Add Toilets and Reviews in Database 

To keep things relevant, this amazing travel app offers the possibility to add toilets to the database and you just need to specify the exact location and also specify the quality of toilet to leave your review based on different criteria such as being kid-friendly, being suitable for disabled people, having water and tissues or is it a safe place for kids and women etc.

Free to download on Google Play

If Poop Pal App fits your needs then visit the Play Store Link and get it immediately on your Android device for free. You never know when you’ll need it and it can definitely save you from a lot of frustration!

Google Play Download Link: Poop Pal: Clean Toilet Finder


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