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Most Useful Software of the Week – DataTracks

Friday, May 11, 2018

Our choice for a Most Useful Software of the Week is called DataTracks, especially designed for investment firms, banks and insurance companies to get error-free regulatory reporting solutions with an ease. With tons of amazing features and simple-to-use, DataTracks is here to bring you a peace of mind.

What is DataTracks all about?

The DataTracks is a supporting tool for investment firms, banks and insurance companies that is especially developed as a highly efficient regulatory reporting service that offers users to easily and without much effort do their regulatory reports on time without any error. With these services, the user will be able to implement practical regulatory reporting solutions such as flexible input data methods, collaboration with other users, as to compare of versions with quick identification of errors and their correction. Users will be able to find the smartest solutions for their business and reporting needs.

Why do we choose this service?

By using these service and the solutions offered, the users will only need to register in the service’s secure portal to get the free trial of the sample data offered. Then, the user is able to upload the data from multiple sources through the app’s feature for auto-link. The service allows the user to collaborate, comment, compare versions and do reviews with other users on this software. With the amazing features, the user will also have his chance to validate the data-filled templates against regulators validation rules and generate reports to obtain the XBRL/XML report for successful filing with regulator offered. This service has more than 10 years of experience and all employees are regulatory reporting experts that offer highly efficient and high-quality service.

With more than 10.000 compliance reports in formats like XBRL, XML, iXBRL and EDGAR, users can choose to prepare compliance reports in-house through the software solution or outsource the service to the experts of the service. All date of the user is protected in firewall-protected data centres in different European cities. Completely safe and secure, easy to use and reliable, this service fulfills all the business needs of the users.    

Get your free trial on the official website to prepare your regulatory reports without errors effortlessly!

Official Website: DataTracks


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