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Organize & Store All of Your Delicious Recipes with Cookooz

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

In today’s time when there is an app for almost anything you can imagine, the app revolution is leaving no sphere untouched, not even the kitchen. With more devices featuring large and vivid touch screens it would not take a genius to realize that a phone or tablet with the right app can make for a handy digital cookbook and personal recipe holder, able to help home cooks and professional chefs discover and organize recipes, track shopping lists and more. Whether it’s a family meal or a summer cookout, it’s a great idea to have all of your mouth-watering recipes on your mobile device. Cookooz will make saving and organizing your recipes an easy task without hours of typing, writing or scanning.

Organize & save all of your recipes

We’ve all been to that place where we decided what we are going to cook a meal but can’t seem to find that recipe our friend gave us even if it was to save our life with. We know those massive, fat and unorganized recipe binders are not that functional as we want to think. That’s why digital copies of all your recipes is always a great idea. Cookooz makes saving and storing recipes simple and easy, just snap a photo of the recipe (you can take up to 5 per recipe) and save them to your collection. Whether it is from a cooking website, magazine, today’s paper, or those pesky recipe index cards, with Cookooz you can organize and optimize your recipe collection in an instant.

Cookooz Coolest Features

This app has a few great and useful features that will make every cook’s life easier. With Cookooz you can organize the recipes by alphabetical order, rating or creation date for easier browsing. Also there is the tag feature, which allows the user to attach multiple tags (meal type, cuisine, ingredients or custom tags) to the recipes. This way recipes are categorized and organized so finding them takes only few taps on your mobile device’s screen. Cookooz backup all your recipes automatically so losing them is not an option. Cookooz comes with its own calendar which helps in planning a menu. With this feature you are able to create a menu and arrange the recipes in the sequence you plan to serve them. You are able to share this menu and the recipes with friends, family and help by email.

Cookooz is an amazing recipe organizer that’s bound to make every homecook or master chef’s life easier. You can find Cookooz at the App Store for free.

App Store download link:

Official Website Link:

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