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Android Game of the Day - Sunday Poker

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Poker for android is one of the most interesting card games. There are tons of variants and it’s easy to play on our Android devices. Managing coins is exciting and betting all in against other players can be thrilling. As you can probably already know, there are tons of poker apps and games on Android. Some are good and many are not, but our today’s Android Game of the Day – Sunday Poker is surely one of the best you can find on Google Play.

Sunday Poker enables two poker games in one

When you open Sunday Poker you can pick to play on a table against other players of the game or your own friends (if you invite them to your table). We loved the simple UI that will allow you to either join or add a table. This makes the organization of a poker game much easier.

If you are not interested for a multiplayer poker game, you can play texas poker against the game. Having two options of playing is always great since it will give you different ways to earn coins.
There are also various ways daily bonuses that will enhance your coin base.

The game has lovely, retro-alike, graphics that makes it even more enjoyable. It’s fast, smooth, lag-free and interesting. Perfect for anyone searching for a new poker android game! Download for free now on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Sunday Poker


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