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Improve Your English Grammar with English Language Photocation

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

English, one of the most popular and recognizable languages in the world is often regarded as a universal language and is taught to millions either in the form of a primary or secondary language. For example, it is estimated that around 2 billion people, or roughly 30% of the world’s population utilizes English to communicate on a regular basis. From the content found online or in the media to the language of business, English is often cited as the language that is used the most. For these reasons, various apps have been developed with the sole purpose of teaching English to those who may not know it as their first language. English Language Photocation is an app of this kind we found to be one of the best out there to help aid anyone in their journey of learning the English grammar.

Learn English grammar trough photo, text & audio

ELP provides comprehensive and fun yet effective way for learning proper English grammar. With the aid of photos, text & audio the app strives to make the learning process as fun and interactive as possible. All of the English grammar exercises are effectively divided and all of them contain excellent examples which are easy to understand and learn with. ELP gives the user ability to learn proper grammar and use correct tense in both written and spoken English communication. This app is great visual learning tool and every English learner will benefit from having it on their device.

Key features of English Language Photocation

ELP is packed with useful features to make learning the grammar more effective. The grammar forms are contained each in separate sub-menu. Every sub-menu contains the grammatical structure, function, question formation and a short example dialogue accompanied with photograph associated with the example and professional voice over of the sentences. This way users can listen to the examples until they fully understand it. ELP includes also a sub-menu called “imperative” which aims to help learners understand grammar through movements and actions. This way the users can understand the tense or meaning of the sentences from physical actions the app requires form them. For example the sub-menu will have an exercise like “stand between the two chairs” so the learner can connect the meaning of the sentences in a practical way. 

ELP is a great visual and audio learning tool for both students and teachers to use. You can find it and download English Language Photocation at the App Store right now. 

App Store download link: English Language Photocation

Official Website Link: English Language Photocation


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