Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Top Handy Household Apps

A couple of apps on your smartphone could be helpful around your home. Whether it is your house chores or your shopping, you would want everything organized. There are apps designed for almost everything you would want to do at home. Everything is made easy and even if you forget something, an app could remind you. So, what are these apps? Here is the list of the most handy household apps.

Budgeting Apps
Budgeting for your household is the key to save money. The budget enables you to plan on what you will buy, allocate the right amount, and you forget about any other unnecessary spending. One of these apps is Mint. This app takes out the hassle when making a budget. You can connect the app to your bank account, and it will use your details to help you design a personalized budget. Connecting this app to your bank should not be of a security concern because it uses a security system that matches that of the bank. This ensures that all your data is secure.

Another great budgeting app is You Need a Budget. This one focuses on four main rules to help you get an organized life with simple changes. The rules include giving every cent a job, planning for infrequent expenses, rolling with the punches in case you overspend and learning how to live on your past month's income. You might also need to control your broadband use so that you can save on bills. An app like Data Usage can help you monitor your data by tracking overtime periods that match your billing cycles. You can even use it to set thresholds and get notified on extended limits. Other useful budgeting apps include HomeBudget, Wally, Level Money, and Spendee.

Finance Management Apps
Financial management is one of the major elements that apply everywhere. You need this to spend effectively, and at the same time achieve your objectives. Money Dance is one of those apps that helps you manage your finances. You can use the app to create graphs and charts with which you can use to view your spending. You can also automatically add recurring transactions and estimate your future finances. The homepage of the app gives a quick summary of your financial situation, and this includes your net worth, assets and liabilities. The app also helps you track your investments and allow for multiple currencies.

Shopping Apps
Here, we are talking about shopping deals, price comparisons, coupons, and any other app that can help you save money. Taking advantage of holidays like Cyber Monday will require that you are armed with the right apps for online shopping. The app you use will help you get the best deals offered on Cyber Monday so you save money on any household items like furniture or broadband services.

Groupon is a reputable app among digital shoppers. It allows you to buy deals and vouchers offering huge discounts on household items such as food and furniture. You can buy and redeem your voucher on your mobile device, track your voucher use and share your Groupon vouchers to family and friends through social media.

Another useful household app is ShopSavvy. It helps you scan bar codes and search for items to check the best prices at the top shops and retailers nationwide. RetailMeNot is another one that can help with easy shopping for your household. It offers an all-inclusive system for coupon and discount hunting in addition to deals from over 50,000 retailers. It also offers food from thousands of local and nationwide restaurants. The location-based search feature helps you find deals at any nearby shopping center, eateries, or mall. Other useful apps are Slickdeals, Shopular, Coupon Sherpa, and Ebates.

Household Activities
There are things you might want to do but find it hard to do them without guidance. Things like house chores, meditation, sleeping, and laundry need to be done daily. Sometimes, you forget and fail to do something correctly or at the right. Apps like Chorma, Handy, and Tidy are good for household chores. White Noise is the app to use if you want some sleep while Simply Being is just the right app for personalized meditations.