Entertainment App of the Week – Scam Face Emotion Recognition
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
are the essence of what makes us human. They impact our daily routines, our
social interactions, our attention, perception, and memory. One of the
strongest indicators for emotions is our face. If you want to turn your iDevice
into a powerful face emotion reader, take a look at our Entertainment App of
the Week, Scam Face Emotion Recognition. We loved this app so much because it
lets us read face emotions easily only with our camera. Let’s see what the app
is all about.
Emotions in Images & Videos
If you ever wanted to read people faces like
a true professional, we have an app to introduce you to! Scam Face Emotion
Recognition is an app that makes it possible to discover what emotions were
your friends feeling at the moment you took those pictures with them. In fact,
it makes it not only possible but extremely easy, simple and fun. Upload a picture
and the app does the rest. The emotions it detects are: anger, fear, disgust,
sadness, contempt, joy, engagement, attention, surprise and the overall
emotional valance. These emotions are considered to be cross-culturally and
universally communicated with particular facial expression in all humans.
Scam Face
Emotion Recognition features
The app is designed in a way that makes it
really straight forward for the user. Nothing complicated at all. Just
uploading a picture is enough, all of the rest is on the app to figure it out.
It has the options to: read emotions on faces from captured faces on your
device camera library, take a picture within the app, analyze faces in real
time, directly from the device’s camera or already recorded videos.
Scam Face uses the world’s largest emotion data repository of more than 5.7 million faces analyzed in 75 countries which totals in about 38.944 hours of data, representing nearly 2 billion facial frames analyzed.
Scam Face uses the world’s largest emotion data repository of more than 5.7 million faces analyzed in 75 countries which totals in about 38.944 hours of data, representing nearly 2 billion facial frames analyzed.
You can download Scam Face Emotion
Recognition at the App Store for free, and start analyzing right away!
App Store Download
link: Scam Face Emotion Recognition