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Locking Partners introduces “lockIO – Power and App Lock”, an app that secures the powering off process with a password request.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Madrid, Spain – October 3, 2017. Locking Partners, a Madrid based developer’s studio, has launched lockIO, a security app that prevents mobile theft by blocking the powering off and restart process with a password prompt.

Based on the idea that anyone who accesses your phone can turn it off, lockIO is a versatile and powerful app locker that includes all standard app locking features but offers an extra layer of security by blocking the powering off and restart process with a password request.

“We’re aware that there are apps that locate phones after the burglary. However, we’re focusing on preventing this to happen. Now after months of development we have lockIO. Our app secures the powering off process and adds an extra layer of security in case of a phones burglary”, stated Ivar Cifré, CEO of Locking Partners.

Besides this unique feature, lockIO is a powerful app locker offering app locking of all of the user’s apps including the popular messaging apps like Whatsapp, Viber or Telegram, and also the possibility to hide media files from their respective galleries.

“lockIO can easily become the most complete and useful app locker. It is really intuitive and easy to use, and when it comes to the moment of the truth, when someone steals your phone, we proudly can say that we have a solution for users. No one will carry a stolen device that won’t turn off.”, added Mr. Cifré.

lockIO is available for free for Android devices with version 4.0 or higher.

Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lockio

Email: contact@lock-io.com

Website: www.lock-io.com

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