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iOS App of the Day – 2RUTH Network

Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Internet has changed the way that we view news. Instead of having a TV producer or a newspaper editor determine the most important stuff for us and then buying into their product, we are now free to roam the waves of the Web to find the news that matters most to us. There are a ton of networks out there that deliver the news and keeping track of them all can be hard to do. In this article, we’ll talk about one of the best news network apps for Android to help you stay organized, stay in the loop, and find the news you want. The app’s name is 2RUTH Network.

What is 2RUTH Network?

The 2RUTH Network app is the first news aggregator that’s focusing on entirely independent and alternative news and blogs, now available for all iOS users. Designed for both iPhone and iPad and intuitive user interface, this news app does not present mainstream media, bias and fake news because all publishers are screened by the developed team in order to make sure you’re getting only real stories.

What does it offer?

This incredible iOS tool brings news to your fingertips by handpicked agencies, media outlets and independent journalists, everything based on their content being un-biased and fact based. All you have to do is sign in with your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ account or signup for free and choose a category. The app features multiple news categories, such as Religions, Technology, Education, Medical, Governments, Environment, Investigative, etc. Pick a category, read real articles, view trending news videos and share what you like on your social media sites.

Enjoy easy reading and real news, always know the truth by downloading the 2RUTH Network app for free from the App Store!

App Store Download Link: 2RUTH Network

Official Website Link: 2RUTH Network

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