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The best app for Alzheimer's and dementia prevention - BrainSoar

Monday, January 9, 2017

There are hundreds of applications available to help both those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease as well as their caregiving community. The trick is to wade through them all! But help is on the way. Here is the best app for Alzheimer's and dementia to install it for your iOS OS. We have brought this time the BrainSoar app.

What is Brain Soar
BrainSoar is the perfect app for the people who do not want to be the victim of Alzheimer's and dementia, or are in the very early stages of the disease. The app uses dual task training to enhance your memory power so that your brain stays in good health. There are two kinds of session in the app; the mental arithmetic problem solution and subsequently subtracting the numbers.

How to use the app

Using this app could be more effective if you use it while you are moving, running or taking some other physical exercise. If you are moving, then using earphones is best choice. The unique thing about the app is that it also able to run as a background application so you use your smartphone any time while you are taking a session.

Just listen to the narrated problem that are in the computerized voice and solve these problems in your head. You can also easily set the speed of and volume of these narrations anytime. In addition, it also allows setting the time interval for each session and the time interval between your answer and the computer generated answer.

With BrainSoar now, a happy and healthy mind is in your laps. Prevent dementia on time and do not miss a chance to have it for your iOS based device for just $1.99.

App Store Download Link: BrainSoar: Prevent Alzheimer's disease - Dual Task Training


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