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iOS App of the Day - Unique Music

Monday, January 23, 2017

Are you a music freak? As an iPhone user, you have access to just about any type of music program imaginable, from Internet radio and streaming apps to guitar tuners and portable DJ stations. Unfortunately, though, your smartphone has a limited amount of space. You can’t download the entire zillion apps. One of the most complete apps that streams different popular music streaming services is Unique Music.

The app is so good tha tit will enable you to play music from your favorite services with ease. It includes SoundCloud, Youtube, Apple Music etc. Not only it enables you to enjoy music, but you can actually continue playing music even when you are using other apps.

What we especially loved in this app is the stunning music player which makes the app to look and feel even more stunning. It has all the needed and ultra-useful music playing features. It is indeed an amazing addition to the whole app’s functionality.

At the end of the day, if you love music, you’ll definitely need this app. It is a great music solution for iOS users! Get it for free on the App Store.

App Store Download Link: Unique Music


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