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App Review – Videmic, app that enables social video sharing with offline viewing

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Gone are the days when emails were the only option for sharing files, and people got frustrated about not being able to send large files because of attachment restrictions? Today, we have several file sharing apps available that make the process a piece of cake.

And, a few of these come with zero file attachment restrictions and enable secure file sharing, which is a major concern of many. So, sit back relax and have a look at this review of new video transmitting app, videmic offline video sharing.

How it works?
Videmic is an ad-hoc video app. With the videmic app you can record, watch, and share videos everywhere and instantly with your friends and other people in your proximity (i.e. perimeter of about 100 ft.) from smartphone to smartphone. Without cellular, without Wi-Fi, and without any server.

Key Features:

· No internet or broadband connection required it works with video offline viewing.

· Receive videos to your smartphone from music, TV/film, fashion, or sports events, in clubs, and other hotspots.

· Distribute you video clips just by matching hashtags

· You can share the teasers of your clips on Facebook and WhatsApp.

· It allows you to subscribe the accounts of your favorite stars so that you can receive videos from them even when you are offline.

· No video compression always receive HD quality video clips.

· Save your money that you spend on data consumption while transferring your clips.

Avail all these amazing features today on your Android just by installing this great tool free from the link present at the end.

Great new updates come with the new version of Videmic. Now users can add Video recommendations for download. Users can also subscribe to channels of your stars and download their videos for watching them with the Videmic offline video player. It still remains one of the best offline video players.

Google Play Download Link: videmic offline video sharing

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