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63 - Find Sixty-Three Numbers is a diverse game to exercise your brain and improve your intelligence skills.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

If anyone tries to tell you that daily brain training is a digital thing, hit him or her (gently) with a rolled-up newspaper that then opens to the crosswords page. The brain-training genre has been popular on handheld devices. Smartphones and tablets are no exception.

The main brain-training apps stick to the same format: collections of mini-games that promise to test various mental skills; pretty graphs to show how you are improving over time; and optional subscriptions for extra games and features. The scientific rigor of their claims to better your brain can be controversial: but no more, because we have found a perfect match for your brain training that is, 63 - Find Sixty-Three Numbers.

What is 63 - Find Sixty-Three Numbers?

63 - Find Sixty-Three Numbers is a puzzle game app by Explosion Studio, well known for development of their healthy brain apps. This game offers very simple playing option but on the other hand, it is quite addictive and challenging. Throughout the number puzzle game all you have to do is find the required number, either it is a result of simple math problem or if it is an array of numbers or may be it is randomly generated number.

There are total 18 game levels, which you can by choosing between three levels of difficulties and six modes of game play. The graphics and user interface are cool and constant practice can help you to master the game.

63 - Find Sixty-Three Numbers applies a beautiful method of finding number to improve your intelligence, boost your memory and train your math skills. It is quite effective for patients with Alzheimer or if you have, any Alzheimer related family history to prevent yourself from being a victim of that disease.

This light and very basic game package is worthy to install on your Android OS devices and in addition, you can suggest it to the ones, you care about. Direct download link to the app is present below.

Google Play Download Link: 63 - Find Sixty-Three Numbers

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