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Till systems London - Excellent EPOS Solutions for any UK business

Friday, December 16, 2016

London based hospitality businesses and stores are missing great opportunities that one great EPOS till system can give. Let’s find out more about the best Till systems London business can have and how you can benefit from it.

EPOS Till Systems are actually cash registers with tons of digital and software features in them. From touch control, to intuitive user interface and process ordering and customization, you will be able to follow and control everything related to your business sales, revenue, expenses, employee management and many more. Especially if you use a cloud software that will give you total control over your business activities from anywhere you log in. 

Casio Till Systems as the Industry Standard

Each industry has its own standard products i.e. 2-3 products made from particular brands that have large market share because of the quality they offer. In the EPOS till system industry that brand is Casio and the two best EPOS till systems are the Casio VR7000 and Casio VR100. Depending the need of your business, one of these two will be an excellent solution if you are searching for a epos solution with modern management options. Let’s go through the options and see how these two great products can help you!

Benefits of Using Casio vr100 and Casiovr7000

The first huge benefit is that they are compatible to custom cloud software that enables real-time cloud reporting. While your employees are selling products, you will be able to see everything from the comfort of your home, or from any other location with an Internet connection. Anything can be exported and printed from within the cloud. 

But the cloud capability is only one of the many features your business will adore, because all of the standard PS features are here. The touchscreen of both devices looks great and feels so intuitive. Your workers will not only be able to sell and register in a better and more effective way, but they will also be able to customise current product names and quantity, price and many different parameters. The till systems are so powerful, that they have installed tutorial videos within them, which your workers may use at any time if they don’t know how certain feature works.

So, if we need to explain the two models quickly it would sound something like: customizable, helpful, effective and versatile. This makes hem totally ideal for retail scanning, retail non-scanning and hospitality businesses (bars, restaurants etc.). Obviously, you can’t limit the Casio vr100 and Casio vr7000 only to these type of businesses, but these are the ones that will mostly benefit from it.


Final Thoughts 

These two Casio models are the best solutions for many b businesses out there. So, choosing any of them is not a mistake. These are pretty basic explanations and you can find more about the detailed capabilities here. If you wish to talk about more information or quotations call us today on 01392 275324, press 1 for sales for a quotation or email us at info@southwestsystemsuk.com

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