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iOS App of the Day - Don’t Leave it! Remember to take your stuff

Sunday, December 4, 2016

When it comes to managing my daily to-do lists, if I don’t have my blogging ideas and rough drafts saved in highly organized and labeled folders, I’m likely to forget about them completely. Same goes with personal items.

So from one forgetful person to another, today we decided to present you an app that can help you remember pretty much anything. “Don’t Leave it! Remember to take your stuff” is an iOS app that will never let you leave your location if you don’t take all of your stuff with you.

All you need to do is add the items you usually forget. It can be a jacket, id, wallet, purse or basically anything. The app also needs from you to determine the number of steps you can walk away before getting an alert.

You can pick from 80 predefined items or you can add your own items. It is a pretty simple and neat systems that is based on GPS and pedometer feature. Get this ultra-useful productivity and reminder app for free on the App Store.

App Store Download Link: Don’t Leave it! Remember to take your stuff


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