Friday, December 9, 2016

HYPNOS - the days of being overwhelmed and anxious are gone now!

Does your mind often feel "overwhelmed"? That directly results your mind absorbing, more than it is comfortable handling. Now is the time to change that pattern. It is a time to take your mind in the best state you always wanted. We are proudly here to solve your worries and to give you the game HYPNOS because everything we care is all about you.

HYPNOS is a fast-paced game, which works on the principle of hypnosis. It's a great way to test your brain and enhance your mental health. The game starts with a snake-like creature that you have to pass through different obstacles while remaining focused on the hypnotic path, which is shown in black and white. These obstacles are colored sticks or boxes of any shape and come from any way and you have to move very quickly. The creature moves with the touch of the player.

It's a simple one-finger touch game play. The score starts building as soon as you start moving on the hypnotic path and the game ends when your snake-like creature collides with any of the tricky obstacle. This game is a valuable addition in today's gaming world where there is quite less room for productive activities. HYPNOS is the game to play whenever your brain needs to be rejuvenated.

So what you guys are waiting for? Take out your mobile and install the best-featured game you always wanted. Install it free for your device from the link given below:

App Store Download link: HYPNOS!