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Android Game of the Day - Word Search - Infinite Puzzles

Monday, December 12, 2016

Here at Intellectuapp we frequently publish word games. Why? A good puzzle or word game can be so addictive that it might get you kicked off a plane, end your relationships and even invade your dreams. The reason you can't just walk away from these little apps is the simple gratification you get from solving the problem. And when you don't instantly get that reward, you convince yourself that, with just one more turn, you'll have it. These devilishly fun distractions will have you wondering what you used to do with all your free time.

One of our new favorite is the Word Game called Word Search – Infinite Puzzles. We simply loved it from the first moment we opened it. We instantly loved the UI, the simple, but beautiful graphics and typography. It is all set up to enjoy the word challenges, and there are many!

The infinite word search is challenging and constantly entertaining. The great thing is that the game is available in 16 languages. This means that you can probably play it in your mother language as well. It’s interesting, puzzling and engaging, you’ll love it. Get it for free on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Word Search – Infinite Puzzles


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