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Web App of the Day – Work Monkey Labs

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Today we have a great tool that is unique and interesting, but can be extremely useful at the same time. We are talking about Work Monkey Labs, platform that works for the purpose of innovation. The goal is to help people who work on ideas, but are having problems to shape them and to make them work.

At its core this is a bookmarking tool that will help you organize links and bookmarks to shape your thinking and ideas. Let’s say you want to create a specific website in a certain niche. You have an idea of how your website should look like, who should be your writer, where you should take tools from, which theme you should pick and many other different ideas and sources.

With Worth Monkey Labs you will be able to add any webpage URL that is related to your project/idea, add pictogram that relates to any title or context of your plan and then comment, view profiles and shape the ideas. Simply sign up and start adding links and shape your ideas. It can really take you to places where no other service would because of the social aspect included in the whole service. It's a great social collaboration platform that can help users turn ideas into great products or services!

Find out more and try it from the link bellow.

Website: Work Monkey Labs


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