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Tool of the Day - Compass – Real Time Navigation

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Whenever you go on a wild adventure or just a nature trek with your family in the woods, the most indispensable tool is the compass. Reading maps or navigating the woods wouldn’t be possible without a navigation instrument. That is why today we will suggest one of the best compass apps you can find for Android – Compass – Real Time Navigation.
This is also one of the best, lightest and most useful compass apps you will ever use. It is the easiest compass you will ever use too because it naturally swings and shows you direction in the compass. It has clear UI, beautiful graphics and typography and is battery friendly, which is maybe the most important thing.

One of the perks of the app is the fact that it naturally swings and shows the direction in the compass. Alternatively there is info about the longitude, latitude, decimal bearing and simply one of the most accurate navigation you will ever find on google play. You can also integrate with Google map to show your current location on a map.

Get this high quality and professional compass app on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Compass – Real Time Navigation


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