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iOS Game of the Week – Roll Away

Monday, November 14, 2016

In the first moment we downloaded and tried Roll Away, we knew it will be our Game of the Week for the iOS platform. The reason because this new game impressed us is simple: it has amazing unique, appealing gameplay with tons of challenging moments. You will have hard time turning it off.

The app is based on characters and colors. You need to match the color of the terrain and the character. Currently it has 15 challenges and 26 different characters to play with. Another important thing you should know is that this is a single-tap game with easy control and endless gameplay.

So, your goal is the high score and you get points when your characters’ changes color. Another great motivation is the leaderboard, because the game is integrated with the Game Center.

The vividly beautiful piano based music, lovely backgrounds and color changing effects will take you in an another world. You will surely adore every second of it and we promise you will never get bored just because of the nature of the game and the way it is created.

Get Roll Away for free on the App Store.

App Store Download Link: Roll Away


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