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iOS Game of the Day – RunawayJRider

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Are you in for a stunning iOS racing gaming experience? Well, we are sure RunawayJRider will satisfy your wildest needs for an exciting and upbeat racer. With the stunning graphics and upbeat gameplay you will have hard time turning this racer off. The easy controls are making things even more enjoyable. But, one thing is certain, you will love every second of this racing adventure, if you are at least little into such games.

The artwork of this game is one of the best we’ve seen in a racing game. There is huge attention to detail and every vehicle is so interesting and stylish. Indeed great job with the technical aspects of the game.

The levels of the game are really well-thought and interesting. To make things even more entertaining, you can compete on the global leaderboard via the Game Center. So always try to give your best riding abilities in order to master the game!

At the end of the day, we can only highly recommend this increasingly popular racing game. Get it on the App Store.

App Store Download Link: RunawayJRider


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