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Android Game of the Day – Adventure World of Mario

Friday, November 11, 2016

Super Mario has been the favorite game for many in the 90s. Nowadays, there are many games on Google Play that try to resemble and repeat this gaming experience. One of the rare games that got things right and that created and amazing Mario jumping retro experience is our today’s game of the day – Adventure World of Mario.
Packed into an exquisite design, with lovely obstacles, worlds and the classic platform based jumping gameplay, you may get hooked instantly. You will love every second as the great sound effects are here and everything is just cute and fun!

Currently there are 7 worlds to unlock and many interesting items to play against like mushroom, flower, shield, hidden blocks. The controls are easy and responsive and overall this game is just a great entertainment for any arcade retro game lover. Get it for free on Google Play and re-experience the World of Mario.

Google Play Download Link: Adventure World of Mario


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