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Android App of the Day – CoachApp Pro

Friday, November 11, 2016

When your workout routine starts to feel too, well, routine, it’s tempting to work out with one of your gym’s personal trainers. However, if you are a trainer or a coach dealing with many different clients and sessions, you are often left to organize things yourself. In order to offer a great management solution to trainers and coaches together we will present a really useful app – CoachApp Pro.

The app will not only enable you to manage your clients, schedule sessions, but also register and keep track that have been attended and done. Then you can also add clients and track your payments. You can also add packages and set prices for packages for better management and calculations.

You can additionally see the info for each client, payments, sessions and you can do that for each client. Indeed it is a great app to organize your trainer or coach business.

At the end of the day this is an app for Personal Trainers and Coaches. Simplify your administration work and keep track of your client’s orders, sessions and payments. Get it now free!

Google Play Download Link: CoachApp Pro


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