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Cross-Platform App of the Day - Vesta Fitness

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

We recently found a great cross-platform Health & Fitness app that really amazed us. We’re talking about Vesta Fitness, a new fitness social networking app that can become your best buddy if you’re starting to exercise or even if you’re a committed fitness devotee. The developers created it simple to use, with very clean interface and amazing graphics.

Vesta Fitness contains multiple features. Just create your own personal profile and start communicating, exploring, buddying, and promoting. The included news feed allows you to keep track of all kinds of information based on your interests and sporting preferences. With the app, you can track your personal progress and exercising activity, share images, videos and let other users know how you’re doing. You can find people that share the same interests as you and add them as your fitness buddies. You can also plan events and various work-outs with them in order to make it more fun for all of you. If you own fitness center or give classes, you can use this app for promote your business and gain more exposure.

The Vesta Fitness app has an optional one month pro membership available through automatically renewable in-app purchase subscription. Download it for free from the App Store or Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Vesta Fitness

App Store Download Link: Vesta Fitness

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