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App Review – PatrolMan

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Today we have one of the finest productivity apps available on the Android platform. This revolutionary app is called PatrolMan and it allows any user to track, monitor and record incidents conducted by Neighborhood Watches. Simple to use, with helpful features and very clean user interface, it is created by the developer team TCG Cape.

To use and enjoy PatrolMan’s features, first you have to register and log in. Before registering, you might want to check the app in order to see what it can do, so feel free to use these login details: Username: demo; Company: demo; Password: demo. With it, you can record incidents in your neighborhood, add photos of them or photos of doubtful vehicles or people. The app also contains a map with all of the street areas that are problematic.

Use the SOS option whenever you need help from other users. Browse through the logged incidents and be aware of what’s happening in your neighborhood. Download PatrolMan for free and let it help you anytime and anywhere. You can find it on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: PatrolMan

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