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App Review – House Inspector

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Buying a new house or any type of property can be hectic. When the moment comes, we tend to overlook many things and end up making mistakes and getting burned after wards. Several days ago we were introduced to a great app that can spare you from any unpleasant situations while buying or renting a property. House Inspector has the goal to be your main tool and helper for selecting the best possible property. Available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone, this great app has already earned critical acclaim because of the great set of features and the unique functionality.

The app enables you to create a checklist of all the things you should looking for, even the smallest details. You can register each finding, not only for your own analysis, but also, Home Inspector will create its own rating based on your findings. While you are at the property, you can take photos and store them to that particular property. Of course, you will be able to create notes for each property as well.

Home Inspector will then not only help you with one property, but it is also a great tool to compare several properties based on their ratings and various property features. Remember, you can personally review and rate any of the properties.

At the end of the day, House Inspector is a neatly developed, creative and unique tool that can help you a lot if you are in the search for a property. Buying a property is one of the most important decision you will make in your life and House Inspector will help you make the best decision.

App Store Download Link: House Inspector

Google Play Download Link: House Inspector

Windows Download Link: House Inspector

Website: House Inspector


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