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App of the Month (iOS & Android) – RoboAdviso

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Reviewed last month by our staff, RoboAdviso is still an app that we think can have a great impact and offer amazing valuet to users. That is why, we decided to pronounce it as App of the Month. This, business app have trully deserved it, not only because of the content, but also because of the company that stands behind it. At its core, it is an app that want to help its users to invest more smartly and give great investing tips. 

The app is created by Alpha Capital, company that has won international awards and has helped many clients to create wealth and upgrade it with investing. They master in investing and want to share their knowledge with the end users, that is the basic idea of RoboAdviso

Actually, with other words the app is a social effort to present its model to the normal citizens of India. The app is based for the Asia market (most notably India) and RoboAdviso has a role of a financial advisor. It can show you the right path, educate you and simply keep you updated about everything you need to know about investments. If you are interested in the investments niche, get this app for free on Google Play, it is an extremely useful and handy app that you can definitely make use of.

Being an expert financial advisor for such a huge market is not easy, but they are real professionals and work really hard to improve their services. The latest addition is the iOS version of RoboAdviso. Get this great app for free and see that it is an excellent app that can offer you great opportunities.

Google Play Download Link: RoboAdviso

App Store Download Link: RoboAdviso


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