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Android App of the Day - Neutralizer

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Recently reviewed by our staff, Neutralizer is a great little tool that we think deserves to be presented to our readers ones again. It is a simple equalizer available for your device that will enhance your hearing experience through speakers, headphones, etc. It is easy to use and has very neat user interface, so anyone can quickly manage to adapt their sound hearing.

Every single person hears differently, so often we think that we have some kind of problem with our hardware and that we might need new one. But, in order to hear perfectly, you have to adjust many parameters, like signal frequency range, amplification path, frequency response, photoacoustics, and so on. They can all be measured with your ears only. 

Most of the existing equalizers can just distort the quality of the sound, but this one can minimize the deficiencies of your acoustic tract if used wisely. The app will make the hearing examinations you need and according to those you will be able to adapt the sound to your ears.

Just make a personal profile with a name and an icon and start testing and improving your hearing experience. You can adjust your phone speaker, car kit, your earphones and even your Bluetooth headphones. You can have it all by downloading this app for free from Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Neutralizer

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