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Android App of the Day – Music Player

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Google Play Store has many music related apps to choose from, but some do stand out from the crowd. It'd be impossible to look at all of them, so before searching for a music player app check our today’s App of the Day for the Android platform – the amazing Music Player! It is one of the lightest, most beautiful and easy to use music players you will ever see for Android. 

As a quality music player, this app fulfills all the expectations you may have for a music app. There are tons of customization features like the built in equalizer and an amazing bass booster which we personally tried. The app developers of Music Player packed so many great music features n one small app which is a great result and users will only benefit of this way of thinking.

With the Material Design, integration with the Last.fm and features like Song Cutter and Ringtone Maker that will be added soon, it is easy to conclude that Music Player will be one of the hottest music apps for Android. Get it for free on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Music Player


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