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Utility of the Week – Timenote - social planner

Monday, March 28, 2016

If you browse the App Store you will find countless calendar and planner apps. However, today we will present you an utility that is really rare and unique. We are talking about the app we think can have great value to our readers and an app that we are gladly pronouncing as Utility of the Week. 

This social planner and updater is an app that uses the social media to inform you about the events your friends and family want to visit, will visit or are organizing. Actually it is a tool that will help you follow people and interest around you.

You can use this tool to share your interests and events you plan to visit as well, so other members and friends can make use of your plans and plan them with you together. Everything is focused around the timeline in which every little status update, desire or passion is registered.

Timenote is beatufiul, intuitive and filled with almost all features needed to run a great social network. They are on a great way and so far they gained tons of users. Get the app for free on the App Store.

App Store Download Link: Timenote



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