Thursday, March 10, 2016

iOS App of the Day - Hacia La Calma

Hacia La Calma is a mediation app that is one of the best in the Health & Fitness category. It has that needed beautiful design, wonderful sound and music selection and meditation programs. If you are under a lot of stress or you just need something to clear your mind, this is the perfect app for you.

Beautiful and smartly selected meditation tracks that can be enjoyed from your iPhone or iPad.
The app has 8 already predefined meditation programs and guidelines. When you select one, there are instructions on what to do and an audio file to listen and follow. There are also background photos to enjoy.

It is obvious that the mediation programs are done by experts. They are tailored for different needs and mind states. Having an app like this on your phone will assure improvement of your mental state and focus. Get it for free on the App Store.

App Store Download Link: Hacia La Calma