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Create and Benefit from Good Habits Using Habit reCode

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Habit reCode is one of the best productivity apps that currently exists for mobile devices. We are excited about the app and amazed by its astonishing. It is a productivity app and a habit creator app that wants to help you improve your good habits and to increase productivity and fulfillment of tasks and goals you’ve set up.

We all know how hard is to create a habit, especially if that particular habit creates discomfort in your body (example running, excercising etc.). Even though those habit are good, are brain usually reacts badly to them and that is why it is so hard to maintain them.

For example if you want to run 5 km will resist it and that is why it is so hard to want and desire some actions that put your body in discomfort. However, the creators of Habit reCode have interesting idea on how to battle that.

They think that the brain should be put in situation to lose something or to suffer a consequence if the body don’t do the needed task. The developers really have created an interesting way to fulfill your tasks. If you don’t fulfill the set tasks and goals, $2 will be deducted from your PayPal account. In that way you will be motivated to follow through and you will be more disciplined in creating good habits. There are different modules that will help you improve your life and take advantage of the app. The app is free and anyone should get it on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Habit ReCode


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