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App Review - NC - Twitter Widget For Notification Center

Monday, March 7, 2016

NC is a great app that let users add a Twitter widget to the notification center, which gives them the ability to use their Twitter account in the most convenient way. In fact, this app works just like the other Twitter related apps, but the users have to authorize NC first, in order to be able to have access to their Twitter account, without have to jailbreak their iphone. Then they just have to simply pull down the notification center and just add the widget. The most important thing is that now they don't need to quit an app or unlock their device, in order to be able to view the Twitterverse. In addition, by downloading the NC - Twitter widget for notifacation center, they can have a number of great options.

More specifically, the widget can show in the timeline of its users the last five tweets through the Today tab, but if they move on to the app and will scroll down to the bottom, they will also have the ability to change this option. Each time the NC opens, it NC refreshes automatically, so the users are able to know that they receive the most recent information and news from their Twitter account. The users have some great options by using these amazing app. For example, when they tap on a tweet, they can retweet it, favorite a tweet or even default their Twitter account. In addition, by using it the users have the option now to be able to view the latest happenings and at the same time are able to keep at pace with their Twitter account. They have also the opportunity to see recent news, quotes or facts on Twitter. Furthermore, they can track the performance of NC -Twitter widget for Notification center any time within a day and every hour they wish across different countries, categories and devices.

With NC installed, the users now have also the possibility to be able to get along with their Twitter account at their own convenience. In fact, they can launch Twitter from practically any app without having to quit it. They can even have access -if they wish- from the Lockscreen too. By using this special app, the users have also the possibility to clear just with a single tap the widget cache (NC) and at the same time they have a number of easy to read fonds, as well as a landsacpe support for the devices.
App Store Download Link:  NC - Twitter Widget For Notification Center 

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