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Android App of the Week – Never Too Early

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Already pronounced as App of the Day, Never Too Early struck us with its idea and possible value it can have over the youth. That is why we decided to make it App of the Week. It is an app that can help the young to get into entrepreneurship before college. It is never too early to try to become successful. 

The app acts like an invite only membership app. It is ideal for teens and millennials who want to develop small business, business and leadership skills. It’s a community that wants to prepare the teens to achieve their dreams and do even better on their own when they start a business.

With entrepreneurs from more than 112 business industries, Never Too Early acts like a great education tool that will teach entrepreneurship through courses that are effective. This platform is interactive and exceptionally well organized. It is based in Los Angeles, but anyone can be part of it and apply.

When you apply you state which topics you are interested in and the app will get your course designed. Although the app is a new addition, Never Too Early already has huge user base because the service is based on its website: www.teentrep.co. You can follow the community of over 44k followers on Twitter as well. Get the app free or visit the social media profiles bellow.

Google Play Download Link: Never Too Early

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeenTrepAcademy

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teentrep_academy/


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