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iOS App of the Day - Oxbow

Friday, February 5, 2016

Kids, especially aged 7-15, can really suffer on social media. Parental advisory is always recommended, but we can't really know what kids do on social media when they are alone. So, today we will present you an app that will enable you just that - help you monitor your children's activities on social media and their social media feeds.
In its core, Oxbow is a social media monitoring application that will help any parent to monitor, control and review their child's activity and posts on social media feeds. In that way parents will have greater control and will safely manage their kids behavior. When we say control, we really mean it. With this app you'll be able to approve or deny social media posts before going live, have every single detail on your own device, block followers and friends that may seem questionable to you and even flag content that will be a subject to a later discussion with the child.

But, another important thing we want to emphasize is that Oxbow is not only limited to the parent/child relationship. Many coaches, HR Managers, teachers, and mentors can use and benefit from this app. Another great advantage of the app is that it is simple, intuitive and neatly designed. Oxbow is free and available on the App Store.
App Store Download Link: Oxbow

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