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Get notified when your friends are near you with imClose

Saturday, February 13, 2016

How many times we have missed with our friends or family members and we were at the same concert, mall, store or park. With imClose you will never miss anyone when they are near you. The app enables you to get notifications when your friends or family members are near your location so you can get to them or chat with them via the in-app chat. The app works simply and is very intuitive.

The app also features reminder which can be useful at times. For example you can set up reminder to tell something face to face to a certain person that is near you, or get some of his stuff back. However, if you don’t want your location to be shown to your friends and contacts, then you can block your location and unblock it at any time.

With imClose you can also block notification for any people that you don’t want to know where they are. The app has been released recently and it is already receiving warm and positive reviews from the users. It is indeed a nice social location tool to have on your Android devices. Anyone can use it for free.

Google Play Download Link: imClose


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