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App of the Week (iOS & Android) - Accomplysh

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Accomplysh is a neat education app for iOS and Android that we truly think can offer great value to students. Not only that Accomplysh represents a great way for students to collaborate on courses, but also offers a marketplace page to sell and buy textbooks from schoolmates quickly and conveniently.

Currently, it’s widely popular for students to post their textbooks for sale on multiple Facebook groups, hoping that someone will see it and message you.

With Accomplysh you post just once, either for sale or looking to buy, and the system looks for matches and notifies you when a match occurs.

When you launch the app for the first time, you are able to select your school, major and add your courses. The app has a built-in search engine that will find your courses extremely fast and prepopulated with course’s days, times and instructor’s name.

Once you have added the courses and major, you will discover who your classmates are in each course and which students are in the same field as you are. On top of that, you will find a forum like area for each course where classmates can collaborate on assignments and help each other with hard or confusing questions. Even when you miss a class, you can quickly get help and get back on track.

Unlike existing similar apps, we found that Accomplysh provides a very organized class-notes system and gives you access to notes uploaded by students from previous semesters.

The students can largely benefit from the whole platform. It was designed and thought out very well and is available in the App Store and Google Play for free. Every college student can use it for multiple academic purposes.

In short, Accomplysh will help you become more productive, stay organized, get better grades and make new friends in school.

Google Play Download Link: Accomplysh

App Store Download Link: Accomplysh


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